Making Gold In Guild Wars 2 Virtual Economy

The Guild Wars 2 virtual economy is as complex and interesting as real world economy and we can see some of the same tendencies as on real markets and apply theses to maximize our profits. John Smith has made this infographic showing you a snapshot of the economy in Guild Wars 2 during one Beta…

Guild Wars 2 Commander Tag Update

I believe the Commander tag has become an abundant and confusing pile of blue arrows with the introduction of Mega Servers. Just today, I was doing the Modnirr event, and no less that 12 commander tags were spamming my screen. I feel that a solution for this should be in order: the Commander tier update.…

Need legendary crafting tips in Guild Wars 2

Go for Gift of Mastery first. This is the gift that can’t be bought with cheap guild wars 2 gold. Then work on your mystic clovers. This will take a lot of karma and a lot of skill points. I would also advise early on to start running Ascalonian Catacombs and Twilight Arbor (forward and…